The body needs water to perform its function, and can dehydration cause lower back pain? and lead to many disorders in the human being and often affect our joints pains as well.
When the body is dehydrated and there isn’t enough fluid to act as cushions for free motion. This lack of lubrication can cause lower back discomfort and pain during lower-body flexion movements.
Plus, dehydration triggers muscle cramps. These muscle cramps are very severe and can affect the entire body, including the lower back.
How Can Dehydration Cause Lower back pain
It’s surprising to think that dehydration can cause lower back pain. And yet, the fact remains that maintaining your hydration level is essential for overall health and comfort; proper muscle and joint function depend on it. A large proportion of lower back pain comes from muscular tension. When muscles become dehydrated, pain and stiffness can increase. Dehydration can also affect the jellylike discs in the middle of the spinal cord.
These act as shock absorbers between each disc of the spinal column in fact they need a bit of water to remain flexible and maintain that function or they’ll compress and press on the nerves passing through them, resulting in discomfort in one’s lower back.
Is Your Daily Routine Dehydrating?
We all have a very fast and busy life today, surrounded by activity on our daily routines that we forget the most important routine of drinking water. Dehydration can also occur as a result of many daily activities. Such as
- Sitting working overtime with no breaks at all for hydration
- taking part in active sports or exercise without the proper amount of hydration before, during, and after.
- Drinking too much caffeine or alcohol makes you urinate more and become dehydrated.
- Not having Access to Water or not drinking water because you are too tired from working Lack of Water.
Can Dehydration Cause Lower Back Pain- Recognizing the Symptoms?
To prevent and ease back pain, we must be vigilant of the signs and symptoms of dehydration. They may be:
- Thirst
- Dark urine or less frequent urination
- Dry mouth, lips and skin
- Lack of energy or tiredness
- A headache
When you have these symptoms of dehydration together with lower back pain, this may indicate that your body is dehydrated and needs more fluid.
Can drinking more water help backache dehydration?
Though staying hydrated may not totally cure lower back pain, it is an effective way of relieving and stopping symptoms. Good hydration ensures that the muscles and joints of your back function properly after all the wear and tear they take, so there is less risk for strain or spasm.
It also keeps the cushions between your individual spinal segments (the spinal discs) from turning hard like cartilage under impact’s load. They provide for absorbance and safety, as guaranteed by proper hydration.
Can hot water stop back pain?
Some people feel relieved from back pain by using heat on the affected area. This can help relax muscles and increase blood flow, hasten the healing process and reduce discomfort. But you have to remember that just hot water by itself won’t cure or prevent back pain caused by dehydration. You still need to be well hydrated over time if you want to manage lower back pain.
Preventing Lower Back Pain When Dehydrated
1. Intake at least 8 glasses (64 oz) of water throughout the day.
2. Limit caffeine and alcohol as much as possible, for they can cause dehydration
3. Every hour or two, break from long stretches at the computer or in any kind of exercise routine to stretch; and remember to take in fluids
4. Add hydrating food items in your diet like fruits and vegetables that contain more water
5. Urinate only when necessary so as to target a clear, pale yellow urine colour signifying preferred hydration status
A few tweaks in daily habits and the way you correlate your hydrations could help avoid or reduce dehydration-related lower back pain. Don’t forget, drinking water is good for your health and can also help you keep a fitful back.
So, next time you suffer from back ache. just grab a glass of water! But in any case, proper hydration is always necessary for maintaining your health and well-being. Stay on top of your hydration and keep that back tight!
Although it may not be obvious, our bodies are made up mostly of water the human body needs to stay hydrated in order for every function to occur perfectly and this includes keeping that lower back pain away. This might help you reduce or prevent lower back pain along with promoting a healthier lifestyle.
Do not forget to keep hydration at the top of your mind each day for a healthy body and happy back! So sip on that water bottle all day long- your low back will appreciate it. Don’t forget to keep hydrated and make sure you are fit so as not unhealthy! Let’s drink to a happy back! Cheers!